Kill the guards who immediately attack after uploading the security data in the underground tunnels. They're bunched together far down the hallway, so the assault rifle or pistol can be easily used to clear them. Also consider using a grenade, if available.
Exit the tunnels the way you came in and head topside. Follow the objective indicator if you get lost in the detention cells.
Kill the closest two guards with rocket launchers. One is located on top of the building directly across from the door that leads out of the tunnels; another is located on the wooden platform above that door.
Kill the other two guards with rocket launchers, both of whom are also on the upper level. One is standing by a machine gun turret at the northwest corner of the area. The other is standing on a wooden platform directly south and visible across from the northwest machine gun turret.
Run to the landing zone on the other side of the camp. You don't need to clear any additional guards to complete the level, though it is difficult to reach the helicopter without eliminating the guard on the machine gun turret on the east side.