Go to the sink and wash your hands. Walk to the screaming baby's crib when her mother, Mrs. Bowles, asks you to help take care of her.
Pick up the baby by pressing "Down" twice. Lift the tab on the baby's dirty diaper to release it. Remove the dirty diaper. You automatically pick up a clean diaper.
Place the clean diaper down in the crib. Lay the baby down onto the diaper and close it.
Go to the kitchen and find the baby's bottle in the refrigerator. Heat the bottle on the stove until the timer goes off, then return to the baby.
Pick the baby up and give her the bottle. Tilt the right analog stick very slowly to feed the baby properly. Tilt it too fast, and the milk will spill.
Push "Circle" to burp the baby. Rotate the right analog stick clockwise very gently to begin rocking the baby. When the prompt disappears, rotate the stick counterclockwise. Continue doing this until the baby falls asleep. Put her down, and you get the trophy.