Approach the minotaur and quickly tap "Square" to strike it with several light attacks. If you see the Minotaur swing its arms or start an attack, press the right analog stick backward to roll away.
Watch the minotaur's movements. When the minotaur crouches down, it is getting ready to charge at you. Roll away as it charges. If desired, wait for the Minotaur to charge you and then press "L1" and "Circle" at the same time to do a damaging counterattack.
Look for smaller enemies in the area, like undead legionnaires. Approach the enemy and tap "Circle" to grab it. Face the minotaur and press "Square" to charge it. You stun the minotaur if you run into it while charging. Press "Triangle" to hit the Minotaur with heavy attacks.
Continue attacking and evading the minotaur until a circle icon appears over its head. Run up to the minotaur and press "Circle." When the icon on the screen flashes, tap "Circle" repeatedly to knock the Minotaur on its back, killing it.