Use a Jinzo with an ATK Equip card in Jack Atlas' story. This will stop your opponents from using traps and they will never be able to destroy Jinzo.
Counter summons, especially Red Dragon Archfiend, with cards like Trap Hole, Bottomless Trap Hole and Fissure in Carly Carmine's story. Use a Wall of Revealing Light or Swords of Revealing Light to give Carly time to summon fairies.
Don't have all of your monsters in attack position in Akiza Izinski's story. Play a Raigeki Break card or another kind of card that destroys cards. Destroy the spell or trap cards with it.
Use cards like Swords of Revealing Light and Wall of Revealing Light in Crow's story. These allow Crow to use his effective Blackwing monsters.
Add cards to your deck that stop your opponent from attacking in Luna's story. These are cards like Gravity Bind, Swords of Revealing Light and Wall of Revealing Light. Use these cards to stop powerful cards like Heavy Storm, Giant Trunade and Mystical Typhoon.
Use Focuses on the Synchro and Tuner cards in the Rally Dawson story. Leo will try to special summon, but if you negate the cards that allow him to do this then you will win easily.
Use monsters that are not destroyed by battle when fighting in the final duel of Yusei Fudo's story. Counter the Mirror Force with Jinzo.
Summon the Gojo monster to the side of the field in Mina Simington's story. This destroys an opponent's monster every time it is used, but Mina decides when that is. Summon a Royal Decree too and victory will be yours.
Remove the Tuner monsters from Yusei's graveyard in Roman's story. This prevents him from swarming you with monsters. If he does swarm you, then counter this with a Mirror Force.
Focus on destroying the waves of Blackwing monsters in the final duel of Tetsu Trudge's story. Also, remove Crow's Tuner cards so that he can't Special and Synchro Summon.