Follow Yusei from your room by opening the main map and traveling to the area marked by an exclamation point. Begin your tag team duel with Yusei against Tetsu Trudge and the Sector Security Officer once you have arrived. Defeat the two duelists by keeping your "Monster Zones" full and using cards that deflect damage from your opponents' attacking monsters.
Head to the hospital to begin your second tag team duel with Yuesi against Akiza Izinski and Jack Atlas. Use spells that destroy monsters to prevent Akiza and Jack from using summoning spells to create a large horde of attacking beasts. Akiza and Jack have several monsters that attack you through your defense, so the best strategy for defeating the duo is to put up a sustained offense.
Proceed to the next location marked by an exclamation point to duel Testsu Trudge again --- this time he is paired with Kalin Kessler. Focus your attacks on the large monsters Testsu calls forth to the battlefield to keep the duo from dealing massive damage against you. Use spells such as Swords of Revealing Light to give yourself more time to attack the large monsters so that you can kill them before they attack.
Prepare for the final battle with Roman Goodwin and Devack by stacking your deck with as many monsters as you have available. This duo will summon a large number of creatures to attack you, and you will need plenty of monsters of your own to defend yourself. Monsters such as Jinzo can help you counter the Mirror Force attack this duo will use frequently during combat.
Defeat Goodwin and Devack to unlock three Stardust Dragons and to collect Yusei Fudo's final heart, ending his story mode.