Crowler's Gifts
Start a new story mode game. Participate in the classes by roaming around the sections available to you, talking to and dueling against various students.
Talk to Crowler when class is over. He will give you a card based on your day's performance.
Leave the classroom and add to or edit your deck. Re-enter the classroom to start a new day. Crowler will reward you with a new card for the first six days of class. Different cards are available each day and cards are awarded based on your performance during the class.
Using Your Sandwiches
Talk to the various duelists in the class during your first day to get a general sense of their attitudes and styles of play.
Duel a few of the characters in which you are most interested. During your duels, study your opponents' decks to determine who you would like to be your partner.
Spend as much time as possible talking to and dueling your preferred partner. Give them your sandwich each day to improve that character's attitude toward you. Once you have filled all of the five hearts that appears in that character's profile, ask the duelist to be your partner and you will now have access to that player's deck during the tag-team games.
Downloadabe Items
Select the online play option from the main menu.
Participate in one duel against another player online.
During the end game results screen you will be rewarded four new cards. These cards are only awarded your first time using the online feature and they are: Swordsman of Doom Lithmus, Ritual of Lithmus, Dark Scorpion Retreat and Dark Scorpion - Tragedy of Love.