Mother's House
Sit in the hot tub with Roxy or Randy to complete the Dream House section, which turns out to be a dream.
Ask for a loan of 800 Simoleons from your character's mother.
Make some dinner, but do not set the house on fire.
Fix the broken television.
Find a job. Once all these steps have been done, you will move out of your mom's house.
First House
Clean the house.
Fix anything that is broken.
Buy things for your new home, so its price rises from 34,561 simoleons to 35,711 simoleons.
Get promoted at work to level 3. Once these objectives are complete you will move in with Dudley or Mimi.
Dudley's or Mimi's
Organize a party at your new home.
Purchase new stuff for your home, such as furniture or electrical equipment, to increase the value of the property from 53,180 simoleons to 54,680 simoleons.
Get promoted to level 5 at work.
Move out of Dudley's or Mimi's house with a friend.
Achieve promotion to level 7 at work.
Buy new things for your new home, increasing the house value from 46,050 simoleons to 48,050 simoleons.
Throw another party in your new place.
Score with someone at the party.
Propose to the person you scored with and you will move into your new house together.
Starting a Family
Increase the price of the house from 69,404 simoleons to 73,404 simoleons by purchasing new items for it.
Get promoted in your job to level 9.
Have two babies with your wife.
Look after each baby for three days until they become children.
Send your children to school every day. Once all the objectives are passed, Malcolm will give you his mansion.
Gain promotion to level 10 at work.
Send your children off to prep school with all A-grades.
Have a party at the mansion.
Buy a yacht for 20,000 simoleons. After these assignments are complete Malcolm will take you onto your new boat.