Get the Matsukaze Saddle. You'll have to run to the opposite side of the map; but it's required for your battle with Yukimura. Along the way you'll see just how much ground the Siege of Osaka covers.
Reset his stats if you need to. Yukimura is a fairly balanced character. He does well on the harder levels. If you're overwhelmed, resetting should help.
Equip Yukimura with the Matsukaze Saddle, Solar Gem, Musou Stone, Power Bracer and Himiko's Rune.
Make sure you have played Yukimura's story mode through at least once. Pay attention for details that will help.
The Battle
Begin Yukimura's Siege of Osaka battle on "hard difficulty."
Lure the enemy generals within cannon range. Take a few whacks at one of the generals. Bring him to the X, attack another other and then draw him back.
Ignore the generals you just lured and rush to defeat the cannons. Try to stay behind them! They will take you down if you attack them from the front! When you've scrapped the cannons, take care of the generals you lured.
Return to your base and get ready for an unpleasant surprise from the Toyotomi. Head to the west gate to find Lord Toyotomi. Ignore Hanzo and his buddies for now. Once you've talked to Lord Toyotomi, rush back to the west gate.
Defeat Masamune Date immediately after he shows up! If he sets foot in the castle, you must restart!
Rush around and defeat all of Tokugawa's generals as fast as you can. Prevent them from eliminating any of your officers!
Defeat Hanzo's ninja units in the castle.
Head out front and start plowing through the mobs. If at all possible, draw the gate captain away. Engage him with regular forces while you mow down the troops pouring out of the gate. You must rack up 1,000 K.O.'s to get the weapon!
Defeat any generals Tokugawa has left, except him and Hanzo. Continue piling up the enemies until you hit 920.
Charge into the Tokugawa camp once you hit 920. Destroy all of the ambush units you meet. This will cause the supply unit to appear in the Southwest.
Defeat the Supply Captain for the weapon!
Defeat Hanzo Hattori to end the stage!