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Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition PlayStation 2 Cheats

"Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening" is a 2005 game for the PlayStation 2 developed by Capcom in which you play as Dante, a demon-killing mercenary. After you're visited by a messenger from your brother Vergil, a tower erupts from the ground near your shop atop which your brother waits. You must fight demons and solve puzzles until you reach the final confrontation with him on the top level. "Devil May Cry 3" features numerous cheats and unlockables to make your demon-killing adventures more interesting.
  1. Unlock Everything

    • On the title screen, hold "R1," "R2," "L1," "L2," "Up" and "Left" on the digital pad, and hold the left analog stick down and to the right. If this is done correctly, you'll hear an audible cue. This will unlock every feature "Devil May Cry 3" has to offer, from character costumes to image galleries.

    Game Modes

    • Die three times on Normal difficulty to unlock the Easy difficulty. Complete the game on Normal difficulty to unlock the Hard difficulty, then beat the game on Hard difficulty to unlock the Very Hard difficulty. To access "Bloody Palace Mode," complete the game as Dante or use a memory card with save data from "Devil May Cry 3." To unlock "Heaven or Hell Mode," complete the game on the "Dante Must Die!" difficulty. Beat the game as Dante to be able to play as his brother Vergil, or use a memory card with "Devil May Cry 3" save data.

    Costumes and Power-Ups

    • Beat the game as Dante on Easy or Normal difficulty to unlock "Coatless Dante" and as Vergil to unlock "Coatless Vergil." Beat the game on Normal to unlock the "Devil May Cry 1" version of Dante and on Hard to unlock the coatless "Devil May Cry 1" Dante. To unlock "Super Dante," beat the game on the "Dante Must Die!" difficulty. To unlock "Super Vergil," complete the Bloody Palace mode. Beat the game on Hard difficulty to unlock "Corrupt Vergil" and on the "Vergil Must Die!" difficulty to unlock "Super Corrupt Vergil." Beat the "Dante Must Die!" difficulty after having beaten the Very Hard difficulty to unlock "Super Sparda," and beat the game on Hard to unlock "Legendary Dark Knight."

    Image Galleries

    • You must first complete the game on Easy or Normal difficulties to unlock the Gallery Mode. Then beat the game on Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard and "Dante Must Die!" to unlock "Clear Bonus Art" Nos. 1 through 5, respectively. Obtain "S" rankings on each difficulty to unlock galleries 6 through 10, and obtain "SS" rankings on each difficulty to unlock galleries 11 through 15. Beating the game on Easy or Normal also unlocks concept art, a promotional video from E3, and a gameplay video. Beating the game on Hard unlocks high-resolution CG art, Kazuma Kaneko's illustrations, a motion capture video and a video storyboard. Beat the game on Very Hard to unlock an event promotional video and the original demo for "Devil May Cry 3."

    Additional Ending

    • While playing as Dante, defeat 100 or more enemies during the end credits to watch an extended version of the ending. © HT Games