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How to Custom Paint Your PS3 Slim

The PS3 (PlayStation 3) system has become a fairly established console in the video game market today. But its uniform black appearance can sometimes leave its users wanting, especially for those that love to customize their systems to their personal preferences. Customize your PS3 Slim with a few tools, some spray paint and a bit of effort.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Torx T-10 tool
  • Razor blade or similar cutting tool
  • Sandpaper, 700-grit, 1500-grit and 2000-grit
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Plastic primer
  • Cheese cloth
  • Paint intended for plastic
  • Clear gloss paint coating
  • Hand buffer
  • Wax polish (liquid and paste)
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      Remove the shell (front external cover) of your PS3 Slim, using your screwdriver for the main screws and your Torx T-10 tool for the side screws. Carefully remove the internal parts and store them somewhere safe so that they are protected from paint and dust during this process.

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      Lay the shell down on your cheesecloth and pop the "PlayStation 3" stickers off by sliding your razor blade or cutting tool underneath each letter and prying them up.

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      Use your 800-grit sandpaper to sand the surface of the shell down until the original paint has been removed. Smooth down the surface to avoid any blemishes when you apply the new paint. Clean the surface with paint thinner or rubbing alcohol after you have finished.

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      Apply the plastic primer evenly over the shell. Coat the shell about four times, waiting a minute after the first coat and adding an additional 30 seconds to the previous wait each time. Wait 1 minute after the first coat, 1 minute and 30 seconds after the second coat, and 2 minutes after the third coat. By the fourth coat, your paint coats should be even.

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      Wait about 12 hours for the paint to dry. After the paint has dried, sand it down with a piece of 1500-grit sandpaper to smooth it out. Clean the surface with a dry towel after sanding, and then use another towel to rub it with rubbing alcohol or paint thinner. This will remove any fingerprints, which will ruin the finished product.

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      Give the PS3 shell its final coat of paint and wait a few hours for it to dry. After it dries, give it a VERY light sanding down with your 1500-grit sandpaper. This will smooth the surface out and prepare it for glossing.

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      Apply a medium layer of clear gloss coating. Let it dry for about one hour and then apply another layer of gloss. Let it dry for another hour and sand it lightly with your 2000-grit sandpaper. This sanding is only to remove the small bumps on the gloss, so be gentle. When you finish, rinse the shell off and let it air-dry before applying the final layer of gloss. Don't touch it for 24 hours.

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      Wait three days for the gloss coating to set. Put a small dime-sized amount of wax paste on a hand buffer and gently buff the shell by hand. Use part of the cheese cloth to buff the rest of the paste off. Wait 20 minutes.

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      Apply a generous amount of liquid wax directly to the shell. As with the wax paste, use a hand buffer to begin and then finish it off with the cheesecloth. Let the wax sit for 20 minutes. Reassemble your PS3. © HT Games