Easeus Partition Master
Download and install Easeus Partition Master Home Edition. It's a free program for personal use.
Right-click on the 2 TB hard drive you're using for your PS3, then click "Create New" to create a new partition.
Click "FAT32" from the drop-down menu for the partition type. Click "Create Partition" to make the hard drive usable by your PS3.
CompuApps SwissKnife
Download SwissKnife, a hard drive partitioning tool designed to make hard drives readable on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Click the hard drive you want to use for your PS3 from the available hard drives on your computer from the left panel.
Click the drop-down arrow next to "File System" and then select "FAT32."
Click "Create" to create a new FAT32 partition on the hard drive.
FAT32 Format Tool
Download the FAT32 format tool.
Open the tool, then type "fat32format X:" where "X" is the drive letter you want to format and partition.
Press "Enter" to begin the process. Since the tool is not graphical and works by command prompt, it completes the process faster than other methods.