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How to Design Your Own PS3 Controller

Design your own controller for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) video game console with spray paint and masking tape. PS3 controllers contain a hard plastic shell that is relatively easy to disassemble and refinish in a custom design. Spray paint that is made for use on plastic will adhere to the plastic controller shell, and masking tape protects the button holes and helps aid in creating the design. The finished controller is then sealed with a clear spray paint finish before the controller is reassembled.

Things You'll Need

  • PS3 controller
  • Small Phillips head screwdriver
  • Toothbrush
  • Soap
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape
  • Old newspaper
  • Spray paint for plastic
  • X-Acto knife
  • Clear spray paint
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  1. Prepare the Controller

    • 1

      Turn the controller over and remove the five screws that hold the back shell piece in place. Separate the front and back shell pieces by pressing the release clip at the bottom of the controller.

    • 2

      Move the battery to the side, and remove the screw that holds the circuit board in place. Carefully lift out the circuit board and battery.

    • 3

      Remove the buttons from the front controller shell piece. If necessary, take a picture or draw a diagram so you can remember how they go back.

    • 4

      Wash the two controller shell pieces thoroughly. Use an old toothbrush, and soap and water to clean dirt and finger oils from the plastic. Dry it completely.

    • 5

      Cut a strip of masking tape into very thin strips and line the edges of the controller buttons. This prevents paint from building up in the button holes, which can make the buttons stick later.

    Design Your PS3 Controller

    • 6

      Lay the newspaper in a well-ventilated area to protect the work surface from the spray paint. Set the two controller shell pieces on the newspaper.

    • 7

      Spray paint the surface of each controller shell in a thin coat to avoid paint drips. Four or five coats of spray paint will usually suffice. Allow each coat to dry for a few minutes before adding the next coat, and let the spray paint dry completely before continuing. This may take a day to dry, but the drying time is necessary. If the paint is even slightly tacky the design tape will damage it.

    • 8

      Cut strips of masking tape and create your design on the dried controller. Keep the tape smooth to prevent paint from seeping underneath. For best results, put the front and back shell pieces together, and run the tape around both pieces. Cut the tape with the X-Acto knife along the side seams before painting.

    • 9

      Set the controller on the old newspaper again and spray paint with two or three coats of the color you want to use. Allow each coat to dry slightly before continuing. Let the final coat dry for a full 24 hours before removing the tape.

    • 10

      Remove the masking tape, carefully pealing it off the painted controller. Check the design to make sure it's how you want it.

    • 11

      Spray the two controller shell pieces with clear spray paint. Two or three coats of clear should be sufficient for protecting the painted design. Allow it to dry for at least 24 hours.

    • 12

      Reassemble the controller, starting with the buttons. Replace the screw that holds the circuit board in place, then close up the two shell pieces and replace the five screws in the back of the controller. © HT Games