Navigate your browser to the link listed in the "Resources" section.
Click the "Download" button and save the file to your Desktop.
Double-click the file to extract the files contained to the folder of your choosing. For ease of access, extract the files to your Desktop.
Double-click the "libusb-win32-filter-bin-" file to install the drivers onto your PC. Doing so will also create a file called "ps3sixaxis_en.exe" at a location of your choosing.
Plug your PS3 controller into your computer using the proprietary charging cable that came packaged with the controller.
Double-click on the "ps3sixaxis_en.exe" file to activate the drivers. You will need to activate the drivers every time you plug in your PS3 controller.
Boot up the computer game of your choice and access the "Controls" tab under "Options." Configure the controls as desired.