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How to Get a Blue Chocobo in FF7

With a blue chocobo, you'll open previously inaccessible areas of the world map in "Final Fantasy VII." Blue chocobos can cross streams, rivers and shallow ocean waters. If you want to get your hands on the powerful Quadra Magic materia, you'll need one of these friendly birds. Once you've obtained the Highwind airship on disc two during the game's main story, you can breed a blue chocobo. By collecting the necessary supplies for mating and racing, you'll get one with relatively little effort.


    • 1

      Fly the airship to the chocobo stables on the eastern continent. Go inside and talk to ChocoBilly. Purchase three stables from him, then return to the airship.

    • 2

      Go to the north side of the Forgotten City on the northern continent. Find Chocobo Sage's house in the mountains here, then land and enter. Purchase four or five Reagan Greens and eight Sylkis Greens, then leave.

    • 3

      Head to the area south of Bone Village. Fight some random battles here until you come across a Vlakorados enemy. Steal a carob nut from it, then finish the battle.

    • 4

      Fly to the Mideel area and land near the chocobo tracks. Equip the Chocobo Lure materia on one of your characters, then wander back and forth along the tracks. Fight random battles until you encounter a chocobo paired with one or two Spirals. This is a "great" chocobo, and it's a fitting candidate for breeding. Give the chocobo some Reagan Greens to eat while you kill the Spirals. Dismount your chocobo after the battle and send him back to the stables. Repeat the process to capture a second chocobo.

    • 5

      Hop in the airship and head back to the stables. Speak with ChocoBilly and have him move one of your chocobos inside. At this point, ChocoBilly will tell you the chocobo's gender. Take note of this, then leave the stables and save your game.

    • 6

      Return to ChocoBilly and tell him to move your other chocobo inside. If your second chocobo is the same gender as the first, reset the game and try again. When you have two "great" chocobos of opposite gender, you're ready to begin racing.

    • 7

      Speak with ChocoBilly and tell him you wish to feed your chocobos. Give eight Sylkis Greens to one of your birds. This will max out his speed stat, making the races easier to win. Leave the ranch and head to the chocobo races at Gold Saucer.

      Enter the races with the chocobo that ate the Sylkis Greens. Win four races with this chocobo, then return to the stables. Save your game and go inside.

    • 8

      Tell ChocoBilly that you wish to mate your two chocobos. Select your carob nut for the breeding process. The new baby chocobo will be either blue or green, with a 50 percent chance of each color. If you receive a green chocobo, reset and try again until you get a blue one. © HT Games