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How to Fix Screen Burn on PSP

New LCD screens on electronics such as the Sony PSP are designed to eliminate screen burn, but burn still will occur. Although LCD screens work differently than traditional electronic displays, the crystals within the system still retains memory of color usage. When a specific image has been displayed on an LCD screen for a long period of time "image persistence" occurs. However, except in extreme cases, this can be easily fixed and is not permanent.

Things You'll Need

  • Solid color image
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    • 1

      Find an image that is simply a solid color. White is preferable, but any color will work. Download that image to the PSP's memory stick.

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      Transfer that image from the PSP memory stick to the PSP. A memory stick icon should appear on the PSP. Select this, and then select the digital image icon within the memory stick menu. This icon should be labeled.

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      Pull up the image menu and choose to view the solid image at full screen. Make sure your PSP is not set to hibernate after a few minutes otherwise this quick fix might not work.

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      Display the solid image for about 15 minutes. This will wipe the memory of the LCD crystals and should remove any image persistence. If screen burn occurs again on the PSP, this process can be repeated again without any risk of damage to the PSP's LCD screen.

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      Check your warranty if the screen burn cannot be fixed. You may be eligible to receive a new PSP or have it professionally repaired if the console is still under warranty. Detail the process you used to attempt to fix the screen before sending in the PSP for repairs. © HT Games