HT Games

How to Customize a Guitar Hero Controller

Most Guitar Hero aficionados have a close relationship with their personal controllers, often bringing them along to parties, gatherings, and competitions where the game will be played. It goes without saying that people want their controllers to be as unique as they are, and it can be so. Here is how to customize a Guitar Hero controller.


  1. Make Your Own Pick Guard Skin

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      Use a piece of tracing paper to trace out the shape of the controller's pick guard area. Some websites offer a printable pattern of this shape to eliminate some of the guess work.

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      Cut the pick guard shape out of the piece of paper. Using an exacto knife, cut out a space in the middle so the template will fit over the strummer.

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      Cover the paper cutout with white contact paper, face down. Trace the outline of the pick guard onto the back of the contact paper.

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      Cut the pick guard pattern out of the contact paper and use the exacto knife to make the hole for the strummer.

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      Decorate the contact paper any way you'd like, using markers, paints, or any other art materials you have handy.

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      Align the sticker with your Guitar Hero controller as best as you can and place it on.

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      Protect the design of your custom skin by cutting out a second template made of clear contact paper. This will go over your original skin to keep the designs free of smearing, etc.

    Paint Your Guitar Hero Controller

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      Use blue painter's tape to tape off any and all areas of the controller that you do not wish to paint. You can even tape off stripes, patterns, etc. that can be painted a different color later.

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      Wipe down the plastic areas to be painted using a cleaner that has an ammonia base. Paint thinner can also be used.

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      Choose your paint color. If you are a beginner, it might be best to stick with a plastic fusion type of spray paint for this project.

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      Find a well-ventilated area in which to paint your guitar.

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      Shake the paint can well. Holding the can about ten inches from the surface, begin coating the guitar with a light first coat. Sweep the can from side to side until the surface is covered. Do not put it on too thick.

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      Give the initial coat about a minute to dry. Add thin layers of paint until the desired effect is reached.

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      Take off the tape immediately after the controller is painted. Allow the controller to dry for an hour at the very least. Longer drying time is preferred. © HT Games