HT Games

How to Consolize an Arcade game

Do you remember those old classic arcade games and wish to play them again? If you can get your hands on some old arcade motherboards, you can consolize them onto your TV set and have your own mini-arcade. That is, if you're well experienced in electrical engineering.

Things You'll Need

  • Motherboard from an old arcade game. Most units since 1986 used the same format, called a JAMMA.
  • JAMMA harness
  • PC power supply
  • Toggle or slide switch
  • RGB to NTSC video adapter
  • Soldering iron
  • Hard drive ribbon cable
  • Wire cutters
  • Tweezers
  • Exacto knife
  • Hot glue gun
  • Multimeter with circuit testing function
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  1. Connect the ATX Power Supply to the JAMMA Cable

    • 1

      Examine the JAMMA pinout and find the +12, +5 and -5 connections. These should be printed on the pinout.

    • 2

      Connect the +12, +5, -5 and GROUND wires from the power supply to the JAMMA harness. Generally, you should use black wires for ground (GND), red for +5v, yellow for +12v and white for -5v.

    • 3

      Wire a toggle or slide switch between pin 14 and any GND on the power supply. You will use this to turn the power on and off.

    • 4

      Connect the red Comp spot to the center terminal of an RCA phone jack and the outer shield of the jack to ground, if you want composite video out. Connect the red "C" and "Y" spots to a loose S-video jack. Connect +5 volts and ground to the JAMMA connector.

    The RGB to NTSC Adapter

    • 5

      Connect pieces of hard drive ribbon cable to each of the 16 pins on the AD725 converter. Use a small amount of solder on each pin. Once all the wires are connected, you can use hot glue between the pins to keep them from breaking off.

    • 6

      Glue the AD725 to the center of a perfboard. Use a small amount of hot glue.

    • 7

      Place the other components on the perfboard around the AD725. Solder the component leads to the copper pads on the bottom of the perfboard. Connect the wires on the AD725 to the components.

    Connecting Sound

    • 8

      Locate the smaller potentiometer or slider on the motherboard. It should look like a small round object with a screwdriver-like slot.

    • 9

      Turn the potentiometer to the lowest setting using a screwdriver. Turn the volume all the way down on your TV so that once the motherboard is connected you can slowly turn up the volume. This will test if you adjusted the potentiometer the right way.

    • 10

      Connect the speaker wire(s) on the JAMMA to the center terminals of 2 RCA phone jacks and connect the outside of the jacks to any ground. If it's a mono game, it will be the Speaker + wire (pin 10). If it's a stereo game, it will be the left and right wires (L and 10).

    • 11

      Connect an S-Video cable to the TV and the RCA cable for the sound. You can now turn the TV and motherboard on to see if it works.

    Connecting the Controller

    • 12

      Get a Neo-Geo gamepad/ arcade stick. This will work for any motherboard. You should be able to find them through online auction sites.

    • 13

      Get a Digi-Key part×ME-ND 15-pin jack. This will be used to connect the controller to the JAMMA harness. It will have pins for each of the controller buttons.

    • 14

      Connect the correct wires from the JAMMA harness and the controller through the jack. This is again done with the soldering iron. © HT Games