Insert an online game into a gaming console.
Open the multiplayer component within the game. It should be under the single-player category in the game's main menu.
Select the logo editor option in the multiplayer menu. The logo editor generally is near the bottom of the mulitplayer menu.
Create the logo upon which your clan agreed. Creating the logo is normally up to each player. Standard multiplayer games such as "Call of Duty" and "Halo" include options to create a logo, and the list of options range from numbers and letters to symbols and shapes. After you choose the symbol, number, letter and shape combination, you can customize the logo's color and size in accordance with the game's restrictions. Most games do not allow images, such as clan logos, to be uploaded.
Ask friends in your clan to replicate the logo. Many games allow messaging within that brand's network, such as the Xbox Live or PlayStation network. All a player needs to do is send a message to members of her clan stating that the logo is done and the steps that were taken to create the logo.
Ask the clan to join an online game.
Ask friends within the clan to vote on a certain map.