HT Games

Nintendo Wii Vs. XBox 360

Choosing between the Nintendo Wii and XBox 360 may seem daunting, but understanding the differences and similarities of these two video game consoles can help you decide which system is right for you.
    • Is the XBOX 360 the best choice?


    • A key feature of the Wii is the interactivity of the motion-sensing controllers. Unique to the XBox 360 is the high-quality DVD player.


    • Nintendo Wii and XBox 360 each have networking capabilities that allow users to download software updates, game extras and play game titles online.


    • Both consoles have backwards compatibility, meaning the Wii will play GameCube games and the XBox 360 will play some XBox game titles. Generally, the Wii has titles available for users aged five and older, but lacks the adult rated games available on the XBox 360.


    • Both the Wii and 360 have ATI-based graphics: the Wii at 243 Mhz, and the XBox 360 at 500 Mhz.


    • Both consoles are equipped with PowerPC processors, with the Wii's at 729 Mhz. The XBox 360 more than doubles the speed with 3.2 Ghz. © HT Games