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How to Get Apollonir in Bakugan for the Wii

No Bakugan collection in "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" for the Ninteno Wii stands complete without Apollonir. Apollonir, who leads the six-monster team of legendary Bakugan, numbers among the most powerful creatures in Bakugan universe. To add Apollonir to your cache of Bakugan critters, you will need to win the Legendary Bakugan Tournament. To do so, you must beat the six Bakugan Brawlers who challenge you and win a special lottery mini-game following each battle.


    • 1

      Open the Main Menu and select Quest Mode.

    • 2

      Travel to Bakugan Stadium and enroll in the Legendary Bakugan Tournament. Each Bakugan Duel you win in this tournament earns you one of the six Legendary Bakugan.

    • 3

      Begin your first Bakugan Duel by asking one of the referees to show you your first opponent. Make sure you equip your strongest Bakugan warriors before you enter into a battle. If you lose, you will have to start over minus any money and items you were carrying before the battles.

    • 4

      Defeat your first opponent to win his money and items and open the Bakugan Lottery. Match all three of the Bakugan images that flash in front of you during the lottery to earn a Legendary Bakugan for your permanent collection. If you lose the lottery mini-game, you will have to fight your opponent again the next time the tournament is held.

    • 5

      Repeat Step 4 with your next five opponents. After you defeat your sixth and final opponent, match the images to earn your very own Apollonir. © HT Games