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Call of Duty Wii Cheats

"Call of Duty," a popular shooter series produced by Activision and developed primarily by Infinity Ward, takes the player into World War II and occasionally the modern world for a realistic-if-explosive military experience. But as in the real world, laying waste to enemy combatants can be challenging. For those who play the Nintendo Wii versions of "Call of Duty 3," "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition" or "Call of Duty 3: World at War," cheats and unlockable content are available.
  1. Call of Duty 3

    • "Call of Duty 3" does not have typical cheat codes. Instead, it has a large amount of unlockable content, as well as an exploitative glitch.

      To unlock extras, get to the Chapter Select screen and hold "+" and press "Right," "Right," "Left," "Left," "2" and "2."

      To unlock interviews with three real-life veterans, simply complete the game.

      To exploit a glitch and carry extra hand grenades, pick up a hand grenade that is thrown at your character and immediately press "-", which allows you to keep the grenade for later.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition

    • In "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition," cheats and unlockable content can be enabled once you have beaten the main campaign. To do this, however, you must find Intel pieces scattered throughout the game. The following are unlocked by finding Intel: A Bad Year (15 Intel), Cluster Bombs (10 Intel), Call of Duty Noir (20 Intel), Infinite Ammo (30 Intel), Paintball (8 Intel), Photo-Negative (4 Intel), Slow-Motion Ability (20 Intel) and Super Contrast (6 Intel).

      In Multiplayer Mode, you can unlock certain perks by reaching specific levels. The unlockables are 3x Frag-Perk Slot 1 (Level 41), AK-74U (Level 28), Bandolier-Perk Slot 1 (Level 32), Barret .50 Cal (Level 49), Bomb Squad-Perk Slot 1 (Level 14), Claymores (Level 23), 1st Boot Camp Challenges (Level 9), 2nd Boot Camp Challenges (Level 15), 3rd Boot Camp Challenges (Level 18), Create a Class (Level 4), Dead Silence-Perk Slot 3 (Level 44), Demolitions Class (Level 2), Desert Eagle (Level 43), Double Tap-Perk Slot 2 (Level 29), Dragunov (Level 22), Elite Challenges (Level 51), 2nd Elite Challenges (Level 53), 3rd Elite Challenges (Level 54), Gun Challenges (Level 5), 1st Humiliation Challenges (Level 42), 2nd Humiliation Challenges (Level 45), 3rd Humiliation Challenges (Level 47), 4th Humiliation Challenges (Level 48), 5th Humiliation Challenges (Level 50), 1st Killer Challenges (Level 30), 2nd Killer Challenges (Level 33), 3rd Killer Challenges (Level 36), 4th Killer Challenges (Level 39), 1st Operations Challenges (Level 21), 2nd Operations Challenges, (Level 24) 3rd Operations Challenges (Level 27), G3 (Level 25), G36C (Level 37), Golden Desert Eagle (Level 55), Iron Lungs-Perk Slot 3 (Level 26), Last Stand-Perk Slot 3 (Level 8), M1014 (Level 31), M14 (Level 46), M1911 (Level 16), M21 (Level 7), M4 Carbine (Level 10), M60E4 ( Level 19), Martyrdom (Level 17), Mini-Uzi (Level 13), MP44 (Level 52), New Playlists (Level 6), Overkill-Perk Slot 2 (Level 38), P90 (Level 40), Prestige Mode (Level 55), R700 (Level 34), Sleight of Hand-Perk Slot 2 (Level 20), Sniper Class (Level 3) and UAV Jammer-Perk Slot 2 (Level 11)

      Lastly, "Reflex Edition" has a way to turn your guns gold if you complete certain challenges, which can be unlocked through completing challenges. The golden skins are a golden AK-47 (complete Assault RifleCchallenges), golden Desert Eagle (become a Level 55 Commander), golden Dragunov (complete Sniper Challenges), golden M1014 (complete Shotgun Challenges), golden M60E4 (complete LMG Challenges) and a golden Mini-Uzi (complete SMG Challenges).

    Call of Duty 5: World at War

    • "Call of Duty 5: World at War," has the largest amount of unlockable material. Most of these are found in the online multiplayer challenges and involve add-ons to weapons. You can unlock the content by achieving a certain number of kills with a specific weapon, and that weapon will receive the upgrade.

      To unlock Aperture Sight, achieve 75 kills with the Gewehr 43, M1A1 Carbine, MP40, STG-44, SVT-40 and Thompson and 25 kills with the PPSh-41 and Type 100.

      To unlock the bayonet, achieve 100 kills with the M1A1 Carbine; 75 kills with the Arisaka, Kar98K, M1 Garand, M1897 Trench Gun, Mosin-Nagant and Type 99; and 25 kills with the Springfield

      Unlock the Bipod by achieving 25 kills with the BAR, Browning M1919, DP-28, FG42, MG42 and Type 99.

      Unlock the Box Magazine by achieving 150 kills with the M1A1 Carbine, the Dual Magazines by achieving 150 kills with the MP40 and the Extended Clip by achieving 25 kills with the Type 100.

      Unlock the Flash Hider by achieving 25 kills with the M1 Garand, M1A1 Carbine, STG-44 and the SVT-40.

      To unlock a Grip, achieve 25 kills with the Double Barreled Shotgun and M1897 Trench Gun.

      To unlock the Rifle Grenade, achieve 75 kills with the Springfield, 100 kills with the M1 Garand and 150 kills with the Arisaka, Gewehr 43, Kar98K and Mosin-Nagant.

      To unlock the Round Drum, achieve 150 kills with the Thompson and 75 kills with the PPSh-41. To unlock the Sawed-Off Shotgun, achieve 75 kills with the Double Barreled Shotgun.

      To unlock the Sniper Scope, achieve 25 kills with the Arisaka, Kar98K and Moisin-Nagant and 150 kills with the M1 Garand.

      Unlock the Suppressor by achieving 25 kills with the Gewehr 43, MP40, Thompson and Type 100.

      Lastly, for Telescopic Sight, achieve 75 kills with the FG42, 100 kills with the STG-44 and Gewehr 43 and 150 kills with the SVT-40. © HT Games