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Hints for Pitfall on the Wii

"Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure" is a platform game designed and released by Activision. The game was first released for older consoles, such as the Super Nintendo, but it was re-released for the Wii's virtual console. The game circles around the son of Pitfall Harry, who must rescue his father from the Mayan jungle. In addition to available walkthroughs, several cheats can be entered at the title screen to give you an edge.
  1. Level Select

    • Enter the code "B," "Right," "A," "Down," "Right," "Up," "B," "Left," "A," "Up," "Right," "A" at the title screen to activate the Level Select option. This will allow you to choose the level you start in.

    Play Original Pitfall

    • Enter the code "Down," "A" (26 times), "Down" at the title screen to play the original Pitfall, which was released for the Atari 2600.

    Super Speed

    • Enter the code "B," "A," "Right," "C," "Right," "Up," "Down" at the title screen to make Harry faster than usual.

    Infinite Continues

    • Enter the code "C," "C," "C," "C," "Left," "A," "Down," "Up," "Down" to give yourself unlimited continues. Now, if you get a game over, you will never run out of continues.

    Extra Weapons and Lives

    • Enter the code "Left," "A," "Down," "B," "Right," "A," "B," "Up," "Down," "A," "B," "Up," "C," "A," "C," "A" at the title screen to give yourself extra lives and extra alternate weapons at the beginning of the game.

    Nine Lives

    • Enter the code "Right," "A," "Down," "B," "Right," "A," "B," "Up," "Down" at the title screen to receive nine lives.

    All Weapons

    • Enter the code "A," "B," "Up," "C," "A," "C," "A" at the title screen to gain all of the available weapons at the beginning of the game.

    Practice Lever Game

    • Enter the code "B," "A," "Down," "C," "Right," "A," "B" at the title screen if you wish to practice the difficult lever mini-game.


    • A walkthrough for this game (the Super Nintendo version) can be found in the Resources section. © HT Games