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How to Get Through the Sea Bed Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

During your quest to locate the Fused Shadows in "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess," you'll have to conquer the Lakebed Temple. This complex dungeon lies at the bottom of Lake Hylia and you'll need the Zora Armor and Water Bombs to gain entry. Once inside the Lakebed Temple, your first priority is to locate the Clawshot. With this grappling tool, you can explore the entire dungeon and defeat Morpheel, the main boss of the area.


  1. Getting the Clawshot

    • 1

      Begin the dungeon by moving ahead through the tunnel. Emerge from the water in the large room and open the chests. Head upstairs and jump south to the handle. This will open a path behind you. Enter the next room and shoot bomb arrows at the cracks in the stalactites above. Climb up the other side and go through the door.

    • 2

      Move north to a central chamber and defeat the Lizalfos here. Descend the stairs and turn right. Pass by the door and grab the chest for Arrows. Locate the large golden handle and jump to it. Go up the stairs, then head left. When you reach the eastern door, jump to the golden handle. Descend the staircase and turn right to find the Map. Return to the door and enter. Cross the bridge to the next area.

    • 3

      Shoot the stalactites with bomb arrows to plug the pair of water jets. Head through the tunnel, climb to the other side and move across the platforms. Open the chest here for a Small Key. Head back to the central chamber and go up the stairs. Unlock the west door and proceed across the bridge. Look left for some Bombs in a chest, then shoot bomb arrows at the stalactites.

    • 4

      Hop across the stalactite to the kelp on the wall. Climb up and above the wall, then drop down. Jump and grab the golden handle, opening the gate below you. Proceed ahead and move through the next door. Take note of the boulder in this room. Hop onto the platform and through the door ahead. Raid the chest for another Small Key. Head back to the boulder and destroy it with a bomb. Open the door ahead. Defeat the enemy here with bomb arrows and unlock the next door.

    • 5

      Descend to the bottom in this room and climb up the other side. Grab the Bombs from the chest at the top, then take one of the ladders up. Jump and grab the handle to fill the room with water. Slide down the path and swim to the center platform. Jump and grab the handle here and head through the door. Take the door on the right to find a Fairy in a pot, then return and go through the left door.

    • 6

      Hop down to the water and grab the Red Rupee from the chest in the nearby alcove. Climb up and move to the southern edge of the first floor. Pull the handle and take the stairs. Move to the east side and pull the handle here. Head west and into the adjoining room. Hop on one of the moving platforms and ride to the north door. Grab the Small Key from the chest on the left and return to the platforms. Ride to the west door. Unlock it and proceed through.

    • 7

      Swim through the channel and bomb the rock beneath the water. Equip the Iron Boots and check the corridors for chests, then continue swimming to the next room. Exit the water to battle Deku Toad. Defeat it, then open the chest for the Clawshot.

    Locating Morpheel

    • 8

      Shoot the red medallion with the Clawshot to open the gate and exit the room. Return to the central chamber and Clawshot up to the kelp on the left side. Walk ahead to locate the marking above the water and hit it with the Clawshot. Move through the door to your rear and proceed to the next room.

    • 9

      Hop over to the platform and Clawshot the medallion on your left. Drop down to the platform below, grab the Water Bombs from the chest and Clawshot to the kelp on the north pillar. Climb to the ledge and Clawshot up to the kelp to the south. Climb to the ledge here and locate the medallion to the northwest. Clawshot over, grab the Red Rupee from the chest and return. Locate the kelp to the east and Clawshot over. Climb to the ledge and head through the door.

    • 10

      Hit a stalactite with a bomb arrow and get on it. When it rises, hop to the opening and proceed to the other side. Turn around and find the medallion above. Clawshot it to open the gate, then locate the medallion to the east. Clawshot that one and head through the door. Defeat the Chu Worms, then locate the kelp on the ceiling. Clawshot up and shimmy to the opposite end. Clawshot over and follow the path up to the top.

    • 11

      Raid the chest for Bombs and move to the center. Hit the medallion with the Clawshot to access a chest containing the Compass. Jump off and climb one of the ladders. Pull the handle and slide to the bottom. Move to the center and pull the handle here. Find the kelp on the ceiling and Clawshot up. Shimmy across and through the right door. Grab the Bombs from the chest beneath the cog and take the left door. Sink to the bottom of the pool for a Red Rupee, then go beneath the cog and through the door.

    • 12

      Jump onto each cog and take out the Lizalfos. Hop over to the door and head through. Grab the Red Rupee from the left, then return and take the other path. Hit the medallion with the Clawshot, then backtrack to the central chamber. Clawshot a medallion above the chandelier to find a Piece of Heart.

    • 13

      Swim down the stairs to the opposite side of the first floor. Move through the door to the room with the moving platforms. Hop on and Clawshot the medallion. Ride to the other end and hop down. Open the door and jump into the water. Swim to the left through the opening, then turn right. Surface and locate the underwater rock. Destroy it with a Bomb and continue. Equip the Iron Boots and sink to the bottom. Turn right and blow up the next rock. Defeat the Shell Blade here and surface to the next door.

    • 14

      Defeat the Chu Worm, then Clawshot the medallion above. Drop through the open panel to find the chest containing the Big Key. Hop into the water and go through the door. Move down the tunnel to get the Water Bombs at the end, then return to the central chamber.

    • 15

      Pull the handle on the left and go up the stairs. Go to the right and pull the handle here. Swim down the stairs and through the door. Proceed to the western cog room on the first floor and cross the white bridge here. step on the switch, then Clawshot the medallion to pass the gate. Defeat the Lizalfos and grab the Piece of Heart from the chest. Return to the central chamber.

    • 16

      Hop into the water and unlock the boss door with the Big Key. Jump down the hole and equip the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom of the water. Here you will find Morpheel. Defeat it to complete the level. © HT Games