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Cheats For Chromehounds

The 2006 Xbox 360 game "Chromehounds" puts you in the cockpit of a bipedal mech on single-player and online multiplayer battlefields. You can upgrade your mech, or "hound," with custom parts found in-game; hound building is an integral part of competing online, which is the meat of the game. Though "Chromehounds" doesn't have any flat out cheat codes, certain tips and tricks help you get a leg up on the competition.
  1. Unlockable Parts

    • Use "Chromehounds'" Tutorial Mode to unlock additional custom parts for your mech. From the Story Mode, choose the tutorial from the pause menu. Play through the tutorial to get the upper hand in the Story Mode. If you perform well in the tutorial, you'll also unlock new basic parts for whichever Role Type mech you're playing with. Parts include bodies, generators, legs and support elements. Earn an "A" rank on any story mission to unlock a new part for your hound. Earn an "S" rank to unlock rare or multiple parts or an "S" rank award.

    Secret Weapons

    • To unlock each in-game nation's secret weapon, ensure that the nation in question controls fewer than 10 battlefields, not including the battlefield in which the weapon appears. The nation must then retake the battlefield with the weapon. When this happens, a secret mission appears. On completion of the mission, you unlock the secret weapon, an Achievement award and 3,000 Valor experience points for all Role Types. In Sal Kar, unlock the Ghalib weapon, which appears in the South Cemo Oil Fields of Gazi. Morskoj's MSK-X0 appears in the East Salma Woods of Xivera and the Wakool region of Balares houses the M-99 Patriot, secret weapon of the Tarakia nation.

    Unlimited Fuel

    • Escape the bounds of fuel consumption by selecting a chassis with very low energy usage. Equip the chassis with a cockpit that also features very low energy usage coupled with very high internal power. Forgo the addition of a fuel tank or generator and don't exceed your mech's energy usage rating. When your hound is complete, you'll find it has an effect time of zero and does not display a fuel icon, though it still runs at peak efficiency.

    Secret Achievements

    • Achievements award you with trophies that show off your accomplishments to other players on Xbox Live. Dozens of Achievements in "Chromehounds" reward you for traveling vast distances, maxing your hound's levels, completing the Story Mode and more. Unlock the secret Bloodless Award by winning five online matches without attacking, or the similar Humane Award by ending five matches without killing the enemy. Make a donation to an affiliate nation in the game to earn the Silver Patriot Award. Collect one of each custom part in the game to unlock the Hound Specialist Achievement. © HT Games