Things You'll Need
Start a new game of "Left 4 Dead" from the main menu. Make sure that at least one player is signed into an Xbox account if you are playing with multiple players and that they are not labeled as guest.
Play through each chapter of the game completing the story and helping the survivors escape the zombie infestation. It is not required to complete side quests, just the main story. After the final cut scene let the credits roll until you are returned back to the main menu.
Start a new game of "Left 4 Dead" using the profile of the player who beat the game previously as the main player or player one. You now have Leon Kennedy who will help you throughout the story.
Beat each chapter of the campaign once again helping the survivors escape the zombie infestation. You do not have to complete the side quests, only the main story. Watch the final cut scene and let the credits finish rolling until you are once again returned to the main menu.
Start a new game of "Left 4 Dead" using the same profile that has already beaten the game twice as the main player or one.
When starting Part One of the "Left 4 Dead" campaign you will now have the rocket launcher in your inventory as a starting weapon.