Murgo's Location
Murgo can be found in the Bowerstone Market, in the docks. Any statuettes you find must be returned to Murgo.
About the Statuettes
There are 10 different statuettes scattered throughout the world. Some are given to you for accepting or completing quests, and others are found in secret locations. For example, the first statuette is given to you for accepting the "Snowglobe" quest, while another statue is behind some pillars at the entrance to the Celestial Keep.
See the Future
Since the statuettes are available only in the areas of the game that come with the "See the Future" downloadable content, you can access these statuettes only after you have downloaded and installed the "See the Future" package from the Xbox Live service.
Once you find all 10 statues, you will receive the "Con Artist" achievement for "Fable II." This achievement is worth 25 Xbox Live gamer points and will be displayed on your profile for other players to see.