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How to Get All Your Teammates Through the Last Mission in Mass Effect 2

Released in 2010, Mass Effect 2 is the sequel to Bioware's first-person action role-playing game. Like its successor, Mass Effect 2 forces players to make important decisions based on both strategy and moral choice. The way players choose in these important moments affects not just how your character develops, but -- in the case of the final "Collectors' Base" mission -- who lives and dies. On the final mission, there are four decisions to make that will ensure your entire party survives.


    • 1

      Choose either Tali or Legion as your tech specialist before starting the mission.

    • 2

      Choose Grunt to stay back with the survivors.

    • 3

      Select either Samara or Jack as your biotic specialist.

    • 4

      Choose either Garrus or Jacob as your fire squad leader.

    • 5

      Play through the final attack. As long as Shepherd makes it through, none of your teammates will die in the cut scenes. © HT Games