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Call of Duty 4 Achievement List

"Call of Duty 4" is a first-person shooter video game released in 2009 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC and the Nintendo DS and Wii. The Xbox 360 version rewarded gamers with achievements for performing specific tasks throughout the game. Xbox Live Gamerscore points are also given and differ depending on the difficulty of the task. Both achievements and Gamerscore points serve no purpose other than to show other gamers your skill at a certain game.
  1. 10 Gamerscore Points

    • Kill the enemies harassing the farmer in the Hunted mission to earn the "Man of the People" achievement. Shoot an enemy in the legs so that he is crawling, then stab him with your knife for the "No Rest for the Weary" achievement. Kill two enemies by blowing up a nearby vehicle for the "Roadkill" achievement; three enemies killed in a row earns the "Three of a Kind" achievement, and the "Daredevil" achievement is awarded for killing an enemy in campaign mode while blinded with a flash grenade.

    20 Gamerscore Points

    • Of the 37 achievements in "Call of Duty 4," 19 are worth 20 Xbox Live Gamerscore Points. The "Making the Jump" achievement is awarded for infiltrating the cargo ship on the Crew expendable mission. Carry MacMillian to the helicopter on the One Shot One Kill mission to earn "Piggyback Ride." Stealth is the key for the "Ghillies in the Mist" achievement; complete the All Ghillied Up mission without altering any enemies of your presence.

      Intel items look like laptops and are positioned randomly in levels; find 15 of them to earn "Look Sharp" or discover 30 for "Eyes and Ears." The remaining achievements are "Earn a Winged Dagger," "Dancing in the Dark," "Save the Bacon," "Death From Above," "Wrong Number," "Desperate Measures," "Down Boy Down," "New Squadron Record," "Rescue Roycewicz," "Your Show Sucks," "Straight Flush," "Mile High Club," "Four of a Kind" and "Bird on the Ground."

    40 Gamerscore Points

    • Play on Veteran difficulty. Complete Blackout to earn "The Rescue," finish Charlie Don't Surf for "The Search" and clear All Ghillied Up and One Shot One Kill for "The Shot." Complete The Bog and War Pig for "The Bog," Crew Expendable for "The Package" and The Hunted and Death from Above for "The Escape." Clearing Ultimatum, All In and No Fighting in the War Room is rewarded with "The Ultimatum."

      Finishing Shock and Awe earns the "First Horseman" achievement, completing Safehouse earns "The Second Horseman," playing through Heat and The Sins of the Father is rewarded with "The Third Horseman" and completing Game Over unlocks "The Fourth Horseman" achievement. Clear the campaign mode on any difficulty level to earn the "Win the War" achievement.

    90 Gamerscore Points

    • The only achievement in the game that awards 90 Xbox Live Gamerscore points is "Deep and Hard"; this is because it is very difficult to earn. You receive this achievement for completing the campaign mode on either the Hardened or Veteran difficulty setting. © HT Games