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How to Fix XBox 360 Wave 3

Keeping your original games stored away for safekeeping is every game aficionado's dream. The only problem is, with each new game that comes out, the possibility of a new video partition format, or "wave," exists. If you have an older version of the modding firmware iXtreme on your Xbox, these new game waves are not always compatible with your iXtreme version. This turns what is supposed to be an enjoyable gaming experience into a frustrating one. Don't fret, as you can patch these games so your Xbox will support the format.

Things You'll Need

  • DVD-R-DL burner
  • ISO-formatted Xbox 360 game
  • Imgburn freeware
  • Blank DVD-DL
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    • 1

      Make a new folder on your computer desktop. Download Ppf-o-matic3.exe and the v14-15.ppf patch (see Resources) and save them in the new folder you created.

    • 2

      Click the "Ppf-o-matic3.exe" file to start the program. Click on the "ISO file" box to locate the game ISO you want to patch. You should now see the name of the file selected in the box.

    • 3

      Click on the button next to the patch box and select the v14-15.ppf that you downloaded. You should now see "v14-15.ppf" in the box.

    • 4

      Click on "Apply" and wait for the process to complete. Close the program.

    • 5

      Start the ImgBurn program. Select the "Tools" tab; under "Settings" there is an option to choose the layer break. By default the layer break says "Calculate optimal."

    • 6

      Change "Calculate optimal" to "User specified" and enter "1913760" in the adjacent box. Click on "OK" to accept changes and go back to the main screen.

    • 7

      Select "Write image file to disc." Select the ISO you patched. Set the writing speed to "2.4x" for optimal writing. Put the blank DVD in the drive and select "Write." Wait until the disc is done writing, then take it out and test it in your Xbox. © HT Games