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How to Uninstall Without an MSI File

Programs installed to your computer often place .MSI files in the program's installation directory that facilitate uninstallation of the program if necessary. If you do not have a .MSI file that you can run to uninstall the program, you can use the Windows "Control Panel" to remove the program. Uninstalling a program using the Windows Control Panel will take about five minutes and does not require the use of a .MSI file.


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      Turn on your computer and log in to your user account. Click the "Start" button. Click "Control Panel" and double-click the "Programs" icon.

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      Click "Programs and Features" and a list of installed programs will appear in a new window. Scroll through the list and select the program you want to uninstall. Click "Remove" and the uninstaller will appear in a new window. You will be asked if you really wish to remove the program from your hard drive. Click the "Yes" button to continue.

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      Click "Next" and the uninstaller will begin deleting the program and its associated files from the hard drive. Wait for the uninstall process to complete, then click "Finish." The program will no longer be installed on the hard drive. © HT Games