Cop Skins through Cheating
To activate the cop skin cheat code, press "Right," "Right," "Left," "Up," "L," "White," "Left," "Up," "Down," and "Right" on your controller. This code can be performed at any time during normal gameplay. Tommy will randomly change into another character skin featured in the game, however the skin is selected at random. If you do not receive the cop skin, continue to enter the code until you turn into a cop. There are multiple cop skins to choose from.
Completing the mission "Copland" is the only way to legitimately obtain a cop outfit. The mission opens up near the end of the game's main storyline, after the "Bar Brawl" mission is complete. To start the mission you must first obtain a wanted level by comitting a crime, such as running over pedestrians. Once the cops begin to chase you, lead them back to the garage located on your radar. Lure the cops inside to steal their uniforms.
Completing Copland
Now that you have the uniform, you must complete the mission to keep it. Follow the marker on your radar to get to the mall and plant the bomb at the designated area. After the bomb detonates, you will have a five-star wanted level. Follow the radar to get back to your safe house, being careful not to be destroyed by the ensuing police chase. Make it home alive to complete the mission and unlock the cop uniform.
Using the Cop Uniform
After completing "Copland," you can wear the cop uniform at any time by picking it up at the Washington Beach Police Station. Wearing the cop uniform allows you to access the army base without raising your wanted level. This makes it easier to steal military vehicles without being chased by cops. However, being caught committing a crime in the cop uniform, such as killing pedestrians, will still result in an increase in your wanted level.