Unlock All Quests
You don't have to clear each quest in order to unlock the next highest level; instead you can enter a cheat code to unlock all quests. When you reach the quest selection screen, press the buttons in the following sequence: "L" and "R" together, "down," "up," flick left analog stick, "white," "up," "right," "left," "down" and "L" and "R" together.
Unlock Duelists
If you don't know the cheat code, you must play the game in arcade mode to unlock higher-level duelists. To unlock all duelists without completing multiple battles simply navigate to the character selection screen and press the buttons in the following sequence: "L" and "R" together, "down," "up," "X," "white," "up," "X," "black," "up," "X" and "L" and "R" together.
Unlock Hidden Levels
Rather than play through all levels, navigate to the arena select screen and press the buttons in the following sequence: "L" and "R" together, "left," "up," "X," "up," "right," "Y" and "L" and "R" together.
Unlock Mishra
To unlock and use Mishra, you must beat the game in Quest mode. During setup, select a preset deck and a preset duelist.