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'Black Ops' Zombie Tips

"Call Of Duty: Black Ops" was released on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in November 2010 and comes with a new and improved "Nazi Zombies" mode. There are 99 rounds in "Nazi Zombies" and difficulty gradually increases as you progress. The key to "Zombies" is to get the right perks early and stay on the move.
  1. Early Rounds

    • Rounds 1-7 need to be handled with extreme caution. Zombies are slower in these rounds and easier to kill, but it is easy to get cornered if you do not watch yourself. Keep entryways boarded up as much as possible. Use a grenade on a zombie at the end of each round to blow its legs off to make a "Crawler." Crawlers are really slow and easy to dodge; this will give you the time you need to board windows before the next round begins.

    The Teleporter

    • After you have used your points to open up the door to the stage area, you can activate a breaker on the wall that turns the power on. The curtain on the stage opens and the teleporter is immediately to your right. After round 11, you need to use the teleporter at least once every round. Run around the stage at the beginning of each round and evade zombies until a sizable group has spawned. Run to the teleporter as soon as you get an opening and activate to be transported to a safe room where you can chuck grenades at the zombies from a distance.

    JuggerNog And Revive

    • The "JuggerNog" and the "Revive" perks are the most important things to have past round 8. The JuggerNog machine is located in the same area as the stage on the far wall across from the teleporter. JuggerNog will allow you to take two to three extra hits from zombies before being knocked down and is an absolute necessity for surviving the later rounds. The "Revive" perk basically gives you an extra life in single-player mode and can be used up to three times. If you are playing zombies in multiplayer mode, the revive perk grants the ability to resurrect your partner faster if he gets knocked down. In either mode, "Revive" is extremely important.


    • Once you reach round 20 and above, weapons lose their effectiveness. You will still need a machine gun for points but eventually guns will stop killing zombies all together. To use a trap, make sure you have a lot of zombies behind you and press the action button on the red boxes located on the doorways. This activates lightning that lasts 45 seconds to 1 minute and will kill all zombies that attempt to pass through. You will not get any points for the zombies you kill with traps but this is the only true weapon you have after round 25. Traps cost 1,500 points, so make sure to stock up on points before round 20.

    Keep Moving

    • The worst thing you can do in "Zombies" is to stand still. You need to be running around the whole time and only stop long enough to fire a few rounds into a group of zombies before moving again. This isn't as important in the first couple of rounds but you will not make it to the higher rounds if you don't learn to kill while you're on the move. © HT Games