Auto Absolve
Auto absolve allows you to skip the typical mini-game when you choose to absolve a vanquished foe. This ability is granted by collecting all three Beatrice Stones over the course of the game. Although there are only three Stones, there are several possible locations for them. These locations include a short passage beyond a large head in Limbo, the MC Escher-like maze in Gluttony and near one of the Judas silver coins in Greed. Once the Stones are collected, the auto absolve ability becomes available. However, this ability also prevents you from collecting extra souls through the mini-game.
Using Health Upgrades
Various upgrades and abilities, such as such the Wisdom and Fortitude upgrades in the Holy path, grant extensions to your maximum health and mana. These upgrades also immediately restore your health and mana to the max. Keep these upgrades until just before you face a boss or a difficult encounter for a free, complete restoration.
Poet Relics
As in the original poem, Virgil, also called "The Poet" or "blue ghost," acts as Dante's guide, offering an explanation of each level. Virgil can be found at different points throughout the game. When you're speaking to Virgil, continue conversing with him until the character fades away. These conversations often reward you with a relic on the second occurrence. Relics modify Dante's abilities and also gain levels while they are equipped.
Completion Unlockables
Completing the game once on any mode unlocks a number of new options for future play. "Gates of Hell" mode, a variation of the popular survival mode, requires that you to defeat a specific number of enemies (without dying) before time runs out. "Infernal" difficulty, also unlocked once the game has been completed, is an extra-hard mode to test your skill. Lastly, Resurrection mode, essentially New Game +, allows you to begin a new game with all of the souls, skills and relics you accumulated in the previous game.
Crusader Dante
Using "Resurrection" mode to begin a new game unlocks the crusader costume for Dante. This costume can be selected at the beginning of your "Resurrection" mode game.