HT Games

The Secret Locations of the Skulls in Halo 3

Bungie's "Halo 3," released for the Xbox 360 video game console in September 2007 and rated "Mature" by the Entertainment Rating Software Board, follows the series' protagonist Master Chief as he fights the hordes of Covenant and Flood enemies to once again save the day. In the game there are hidden "Skulls" that you can find to unlock specific game enhancers.
  1. Grunt Birthday Party and Black-Eye

    • Both these skulls can be found in the "Crow's Nest." Find the "Grunt Birthday Party" by after falling through the hole onto a pipe; it will be at the end of this pipe, and you must carefully drop and pull back onto the space provided.

      Find the "Black-Eye" skull by jumping onto the racks at the start of the level near the door with the red light. Continue to jump up until you are on the ventilation tube. This skull is at the end of the tube.

    Blind and Iron

    • Find the "Blind" skull in the first stage when one of the Marines points out the overhead "Phantom." Follow the path on the right till you get to the cliff; go to the rock on the far side, and the skull will be at the end of this rock.

      The "Iron" skull is found in the Sierra 117 stage and is in the level where you rescue Sarge. You must jump on the boxes found on the far right side and then jump onto the pipes that lead up to a ledge found behind the prison cell. The skull is at the far end of this ledge.

    Tough Luck and Mythic

    • The "Tough Luck" skull is found on the Tsavo Highway after coming out of the tunnel on the highway where a large pipeline is found at the left. Drop between the pipes, run to the wall and follow it to your left; there will be three ledges that you'll jump from one to the other. The skull is found at the last ledge.

      The "Mythic" skull is found in the "Halo" level as soon as the mission starts. Walk up the hill and into the cave, and stay to the right until the large boulder passes; the skull will be at the end of the right path.

    Cowbell and Thunderstorm

    • The "Cowbell" skull is found in the Ark level, and you'll need a grav-lift to reach it. Use the grav-lift to jump on the partitioned risers at the second sloping hallway. If positioned at the fourth green dot on from the door, you'll be able to jump to the top level to the skull.

      Find the "Thunderstorm" skull on the Covenant mission; it is in the second tower, which you can reach using the "Hornet." Get out of the "Hornet" and go to the middle part that connects both towers; there will be stairs that will take you to this skull.

    Fog and Famine

    • The "Fog" skull is located in the Floodgate mission as you approach the ramp. Look to the roofs when a Marine yells, "There! Over There!" and you'll see a single Flood form jumping. Snipe him out of the air, and the skull will drop.

      The "Famine" skull is found on the other side of the huge boulder in The Ark mission when you first go into the valley. Fly a "Ghost" to the side of the boulder that is closest to the bridge and exit the "Ghost" on the bridge. You'll need to drop and pilot a second "Ghost" to the top of the bridge and stack it on top of the other "Ghost." Jump up onto the beam where the skull is using the "Ghosts" to help you climb.

    Tilt and IWHBYD and Catch

    • Find the "Tilt" skull in the Cortana mission; it can be reached in the circular-type room by jumping on the small structure piece next to two archways. Keep jumping up the rocks to the left, and jump to the rocks 180 degrees from you. Follow the rocks till you get on the roof of the circular room, and there is the skull.

      The "IWHBYD" skull is found in The Covenant mission in the room where you confront the Prophet of Truth and kill all the Flood. Jump through the holograms in this order: 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4. After jumping through the final hologram they will light up and the skull will be before the energy bridge near the Prophet's body.

      Find the "Catch" skull in The Storm level on top of the far round building in the middle of the battlefield. Use a Wraith to jump up to the top of the building, but do not destroy the Wraith closest to the door of the building or the skull will disappear. © HT Games