HT Games

How to Unlock All Characters in Mortal Kombat: Deception for Xbox

Midway's "Mortal Kombat: Deception" for the Xbox includes a large roster of playable characters, including 12 unlockable characters that become available only after certain criteria have been met. Characters unlock via one of three methods: purchasing them with earned Jade Koins, finding them in treasure chests scattered throughout the world and finishing a certain portion of the game. Once unlocked, a character's portrait will become filled in and selectable from the "Character select" screen.


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      Gather Jade Koins earned by completing side quests, and spend them at the Krypt to unlock two of the hidden characters. Items in the Krypt are labeled Koffins and do not reveal their contents until purchased. Unlocking Smoke requires opening the Koffin labeled "DM" using 3,642 Koins. Jade costs 2,417 Koins and is located in the Koffin marked "OI."

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      Find keys in treasure chests scattered throughout Konquest mode to unlock the Krypt Koffins of eight more characters. Some chests appear only at certain times of day. Meditate near their location to cycle time faster. Hotaru's key is located in point H-1 of Orderealm after 4 a.m. Sindel's is in point D-1 of Netherealm at 1 a.m. on Monday. Kira's is found in point H-2 of Earthrealm between 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. Lui Kang's is in point G-8 of Edenia at 12 a.m. Friday morning, located behind the area's tent. Li Mei's is found in area F-7 of the Outworld, inside a residence. Tanya's key is in point A-3 of the Outworld. Havik's is inside a house of point H-4 in the Chaosrealm, and Kenshi's is in point C-3 of the Earthrealm.

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      Defeat Konquest mode to unlock Shujinko. After beating Konquest mode, find and defeat Raiden at point E-3 in Orderrealm to unlock him for use. © HT Games