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Banjoo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Cheats

"Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts &Bolts" is an exclusive title for the Xbox 360, developed by Rare. While the game departs from the traditional style and play mechanics of the original "Banjo-Kazooie" and "Banjo-Tooie," it maintains the lighthearted storyline that's a series staple. And, much like the original games, "Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts &Bolts" has a number of cheats and unlockables for you to uncover.
  1. Unlock "Stop 'N' Swop"

    • This unlock requires the original "Banjo-Kazooie" available for download in the Xbox LIVE Arcade. In "Nuts &Bolts," go to Showdown Town and save while standing on the "Ice Key" imprint. Quit your game and load up the original "Banjo-Kazooie." Go to Wozza's Cave at Freezeezy Peak. Run through the cave and pick up the Ice Key and then save. Load up "Nuts &Bolts" again and take the crate that appeared to Mumbo. Stop 'N' Swop is now unlocked in the original "Banjo-Kazooie." Find the six eggs, and you'll be able to find special items in "Nuts 'N' Bolts."

    Egg-Item Locations

    • After finding the six eggs and Ice Key in "Banjo-Kazooie," special crates will appear in the following areas once you've collected the corresponding egg. The Ice Key gets you an item, too.

      Ice Key, Flag: Search the roof of Boggy's Gym for the Flag
      Red Egg, Disco Ball: Look under the Terrarium of Terror.
      Pink Egg, Fluffy Dice: Go to the Banjoland portals and check the boathouse.
      Green Egg, Beacon: Below LOG's Game Factory, check the cave.
      Blue Egg, Goldfish: Search the castle tower by the docks.
      Yellow Egg, Googly Eyes: Look beneath the lighthouse at the beach.
      Cyan Egg, Mole on a Pole: Find the crate on a roof to the south of the Jiggy Bank.

    Seven Secret Blueprints

    • By finding all of the Stop 'N' Swop secret eggs in "Banjo-Kazooie," transferring them to "Banjo-Tooie" which is available for download on the Xbox LIVE Arcade, and handing them over to Heggy, you can actually unlock the seven Stop 'N' Swop special blueprints in "Nuts &Bolts." However, to do this, you need the LOG's Lost Challanges DLC, which is available through the Xbox LIVE Arcade.

    Fly Trolleys

    • In Showdown town, move a crate into the trolley and position yourself so you're standing on top of it. Lift it using your wrench, and you can fly anywhere you want.

    Secret Costume &Gamerpic

    • Beat the game after collecting 75 jigsaw pieces or more, and the next time you play, Banjo will be sporting a spiffy tuxedo. Collecting all of the game's 131 jigsaw pieces nabs you a Jiggy gamerpic. © HT Games