HT Games

How to Get Lego Indiana Jones Video Game Cheats

Lego Indiana Jones is a video game where players act out certain parts of the movies as various characters-only everything is Lego. Indiana Jones is more of a puzzle game this time around than an action game. A fun way to add extra characters, get fun gear or get extra studs in your game is to add cheats. Read on to learn how to get Lego Indian Jones video game cheats.


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      Go to the IGN website for an enormous list of characters, such as a disguised Indiana Jones and items you can get to help you like "fast dig" or "super slap." This website will even give you tips to help you play Lego Indiana Jones as Han Solo.

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      Click onto Gamespot for an even more extensive list of cheats also with extra characters and items to help you play. This website even gives you ways to get extra points by listing different achievements you get by completing certain things. For example, if as Indiana Jones you use your whip to kiss Marian, Willie and Elsa, your character will say "How dare you kiss me!" and you'll get 15 points.

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      Enter the item and character codes on the blackboard in the math classroom at Barnett College. If you entered it correct, the name of the cheat appears. You can immediately use items. Once you enter the character codes, you can purchase the characters. © HT Games