1. Tennis for Two (1958)
* Claim to fame: Often considered the first video game.
* Developer: William Higinbotham, a physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
* Gameplay: A simple, two-player game where players used knobs to control a dot representing a ball on an oscilloscope screen.
* Why it's not universally accepted: It was a one-off project, not commercially available, and lacked many features we consider essential to video games today.
2. Spacewar! (1962)
* Claim to fame: The first video game to be widely played and considered a significant influence on the industry.
* Developer: Steve Russell and a team at MIT.
* Gameplay: A two-player space combat game where players control spacecraft and try to shoot each other.
* Why it's a contender: It was played on multiple computers, had a simple but engaging concept, and helped introduce the idea of video games as a form of entertainment.
While Tennis for Two came first, Spacewar! is often considered the more important game in the development of video games as we know them. Both games are significant milestones in the history of video games.