Learn about antique styles. Purchase or borrow a book about the different antique styles. It should include the different eras, popular pieces and some photos. Think about which styles appeal to you and focus on studying those sections. Make notes about the types of pieces you want to find. For example, if you want an art deco slot machine or bureau, write down the names of popular manufacturers of the time period.
Use your list to research prices on the Internet. For example, if you're looking for a Widdicomb Company bureau from the 1930s, search the Internet for "Widdicomb Company bureau." Alternatively, search a price guide such as Kovels. Write down price ranges for the items that interest you.
Visit antique stores in your area and browse their collections. Browse all available items, but keep an eye out for pieces that are on your list. Expect that you may not find the exact item you saw online or in a book, but you should be familiar with some of the manufacturers and styles you see.
Take note of interesting items at the antique shop. Look up the brand names or styles in your book when you return home. Continue antiquing and learning about new styles and manufacturers.