Cambridge apple blossom
Values vary depending on the condition, popularity, maker, pattern, color and rarity of various pieces. As of January 2011, collectors have made the Cambridge apple blossom pattern the most popular. A crystal covered butter dish in mint condition costs about $125, with prices as high as $450 for the same piece in blue.
Jeannette floragold
A floragold iridescent glass round covered butter dish by the Jeannette Glass Company retails for $850. The ruffled compote retails for $1,000 (all pricing current in January 2011). Floragold comes in iridescent, shell pink, ice blue and crystal.
Fostoria made several etched glass patterns with affordable prices ranging from $7 to $425. At the other end of the price spectrum, the Fostoria Cambridge rose point pattern has an $1800 martini pitcher and a punch set at $4,125. Again, all pricing reflects January 2011 market conditions.