Things You'll Need
Examine the glassware first under incandescent light, and then in outdoor sunlight (if possible). The item should look more yellow than yellow-green under incandescent light, and more yellow-green in outdoor sunlight.
Examine the glassware under ultraviolet light --- preferably in a darkened room --- by using a black light. Vaseline glass fluoresces with a bright neon-green color, the intensity of which varies depending on the exact mix of ingredients. This is the easiest method of testing Vaseline glass; however, not all glass that glows is Vaseline glass. According to "Collector's Weekly," Burmese glass and Custard glass also glow, but under normal light they are opaque rather than transparent.
Use a Geiger counter to test the glassware for radioactivity. Although the level of radioactivity in Vaseline glass is too low to harm a person during normal use, it is strong enough to detect using a Geiger counter.