Things You'll Need
Stand the wagon wheel up and balance it against a wall. Use the steel brush to remove any old moss or debris from the surface of the wheel.
Saturate paintbrush with linseed oil. Liberally apply oil to the wheel, all the spokes, the metal rim and the hub until every crack, seam or joint is darkened. Turn the wheel around and do the other side. Wait one hour.
Brush on another coat of oil. Find areas where the oil is absorbed deeply and add more oil to these areas, until the surface of the wheel is wet or dark from saturation. Wait 24 hours.
Apply another coat of oil until it begins pooling up in the cracks. Wait one month.
Apply another coat of oil; wait six months.
Apply another coat of oil. If the oil will not sink in, you have enough oil on the wheel. If the oil continues to sink in, add more. Apply another coat of oil every year.