Things You'll Need
Apply a small amount of odorless mineral spirits, also known as dry cleaning solvent, and dab it onto stained or soiled areas gently, using a circular motion.
Blot the solvent from the sign with a clean tissue to lift the stains. Do not scrub.
Repeat the process if it has helped but the stain is not removed completely. If the first application had no effect, leave the stain as is. Any more vigorous cleaning will do more harm than good.
Repairing Tears and Rips
Spread wax paper over the work surface to keep the sign from adhering to the surface and causing more extensive damage. Tape strips together with masking tape if a large enough piece is not available.
Reassemble the pieces to determine whether you have the entire sign. Fit pieces as close as possible. Spread a thin coat of clear bookbinders glue on the bottom piece of torn areas.
Press the torn piece on top and align the edges. Place wax paper on top of the repair and weight it down with a brick or other heavy object. Allow the glue to dry overnight before proceeding.
Apply a coat of clear nail polish over the torn area to seal the repair. Paste a piece of acid-free photo-mounting paper over the tear on the back side of the sign with bookbinders glue to reinforce it.
Restoring Missing Color
Apply a coat of liquid paper to the surface in areas where the color has peeled or flaked away. Use a fine bristle art brush and feather the edges onto the sound surface on the edges of the damage. Allow this to dry thoroughly.
Replace the missing color with acrylic latex paint in the correct color. Test the color by applying to a clean white index card and allowing it to dry. Compare the color to the sign and adjust by mixing with other colors if needed. Paint the color using smooth strokes, spreading the paint as evenly as possible. Allow individual colors to dry before adding other colors next to them.
Apply a coat of clear nail polish over the restored area to seal it and prevent further damage. Allow the sign to dry completely before hanging or storing.