Look at the underside of the china piece to determine if it has the original "Nippon" back stamp intact. The Nippon mark was in use until 1921, when U.S. customs laws required Japanese importers to substitute the word "Japan" instead.
Study the back stamp carefully for clues in dating the piece. In addition to the Nippon mark, pieces made for the U.S. market from 1911 to 1921 often have the letter "M" in a wreath. Pieces made for the British market are often stamped with an "X" with a vertical bar through the center, while pieces for the domestic Japanese market were usually Oriental in design and back stamped with a "Yajirobe," a Japanese balancing toy resembling an upside-down seesaw.
Look for a "Noritake" mark. Morimura began stamping its import pieces with the name "Noritake" --- the suburb outside Tokyo where the factory was headquartered --- in 1911. Pieces pre-dating 1911 will not have the "Noritake" mark.
Check for telltale signs that the piece may be a reproduction. Because Nippon-stamped china is highly collectible, companies are reproducing vintage Nippon patterns with the Nippon back stamp. Fake Nippon have a bright white, glossy background and a heavy, chunky feel. Check the quality of the painting; the pattern should have meticulous attention to detail, and brushstrokes should be uniform --- reproductions usually have sloppy, uneven painting. Fakes also sometimes have a paper "Made in China" label, which unscrupulous dealers often remove.