Preview the items that will be sold before the auction begins. Often, auctioneers will allow this the day before or for a few hours before the auction. Inspect each item carefully to determine its value and to look for flaws.
Write notes on each item that you plan to bid on, including the lot numbers. Include a rough approximation of a maximum bid that you would be willing to make.
Review the terms and conditions of the auction. These will list the return policy, any deposit that you will have to make to participate and the forms of payment that the auction house will accept.
Make arrangements to have the financing in place for all of your items prior to the auction. You are legally obligated to pay the deposit or amount specified in the terms and conditions of the auction.
Register and obtain your bidder number at least a half-hour before the auction begins so you can be seated and ready to bid on the first item.
Bid by holding your card in the air. If you make a mistake, just let the auctioneer know by shaking your head. If there is a ring person assisting bidding in the crowd, you can let her know to cancel your bid as long as the auction on the item hasn't closed.
Sign the Bid Confirmation Form and the Purchase and Sales Agreement after the auction, and pay the deposits for the items.