Produced as flower vases in the years prior to World War II, lady head vases achieved their greatest popularity during the 1950s, when they were used by florists to promote sales. Most of the vases were made in Japan and sold to florists through pottery importers.
American Companies
American companies also produced head vases, including Betty Lou Nichols Ceramics, Ceramic Arts Studio and Stanford Pottery. However, most of the American vases found today were produced prior to 1950. Head vases continued to be produced by Japanese manufacturers into the 1960s.
The "fashion model" type of head vase was one of the most popular designs. These vases feature flourishes such as faux-pearl necklaces and earrings, hair bows and eyelashes, and sometimes a well-manicured hand stroking the face.
While early vases were often above 8 inches in height, the designs shrunk to 3 to 4 inches to save on costs when the item increased in popularity in the 1960s.
Some of the most prized head vases today are in the likeness of celebrities, such as Jacqueline Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. Rarity is also a factor in value. At the 13th Annual Head Vase Convention in 2005, an unmarked, never-before-seen vase sold for a record-breaking $6100, according to LadyHeads.com.