Things You'll Need
Brush paint thinner to the entire license plate to remove the chipped paint and give yourself a new surface to paint on during the restoring process. Brush thinner to the entire surface, and allow it to penetrate the paint for at least 30 minutes, or longer if needed. Wipe off peeling paint from the plate and repeat if necessary.
Remove bends or creases in the plate. Correct slight bends with your hands. Use a pair of pliers to straighten out any bent ends around the plate, and smooth out creases by placing the plate on a sturdy surface and gently hammering and smoothing out the crease.
Spray an automotive etching primer to the entire plate to prepare it for repainting. The primer will protect the metal on the plate and provide a suitable surface for the new paint.
Research the antique plate to determine what the original colors were in order to recreate the look. Choose a low-gloss lacquer spray paint to cover the plate in the appropriate colors, and apply additional colors with an artistic brush in an appropriate size. Smaller brushes allow you to be more precise with the application.
Finish the plate restoring by painting the numbers and letters. Use an appropriate color to recreate the original look, or use a black paint if desired. Allow to dry for 24 hours before using on a car or as art.