Learn all you can about antique maps before you begin selling them by reading research books. Become familiar with the texture of old maps, what they look like, and how to spot a reproduction. Join an organization such as the International Antiquarian Mapsellers Association.
Sell antique maps at map fairs or antiques shows that specialize in map collecting or ephemera. Go to book fairs and see if there are map sellers present. Often you'll find antiquarian book and map sellers at different events.
Open a shop in a historic tourist area. Make sure your shop is big enough to house your collection. Antique maps are easily stored and don't take up much room but need to be displayed properly for adequate exposure.
Use rotating movie poster display stands with clear Plexiglas to showcase your maps. Put your rarest or most expensive maps behind Plexiglas so customers can't touch them, reducing the risk of damage to your maps.
Index smaller maps in a book that customers can look through. Protect maps with clear acrylic pockets or pages.
Handle maps yourself when showing them to a potential customer. Some map dealers wear white cotton gloves when handling rare maps. Oils from your skin can damage delicate paper fibers. Provide a magnifying glass so customers can examine map details.
Sell maps on your own website and at online auctions. Make sure to list all dimensions, flaws, colors, origin, provenance, and other details so buyers and bidders know exactly what they are purchasing.
Showcase on your website the types of maps that you have for sale, as well as a bio that includes your background, education, and areas of expertise. You may also write a blog about funny stories or adventures you've had on map-finding expeditions.