Look at Click on the tab for China. They list manufacturers alphabetically, so click on "H" and then look for Herend and click on it. If you know the pattern name, you can find it listed alphabetically. If you do not know the name of your pattern, click on the side bar that says, "Click here for image gallery." Pictures of the patterns they have will appear and you can compare and match it up with yours. Click through on your pattern to view and make any purchases.
Bid on Herend plates on eBay or other online auction sites. You need an account to bid. Once you have signed up, type in a search for "Herend plate," and the name of the pattern, if you know it. Browse through the results until you find a plate you like. Read the description, check the condition in the pictures and ask any questions before you bid. Set your price and bid on the plate. If you win, payment is easy through Paypal or credit card, if the buyer accepts them.
Search for Herend plates with a general Google search. Type the Herend name or your pattern name in the search field. Browse the results, looking at least four pages deep; you are looking for online antique shops or collectors sites that might have plates for sale. Some sites require that you join in order to ask questions.
Look for antique Herend plates locally at auction houses, antique shops, thrift stores and garage sales. This method requires patience, but many people find the slow hunt to be exciting. It may take time but if you are persistent, odds are that you may turn up a Herend plate at a great price.